Level of Importance

Least Important 1

Somewhat Less 2

Important 3

Somewhat More 4

Most Important 5

1 Publish the Journal 3.69 Brand the Name as a Leading 4.31

Association of Educators
2 Brand the Name as a Leading 3.63 Increase Faculty/Educator Members 4.27
Association of Educators

3 Increase Professional Practitioner 3.54 Publish the Journal 4.13

4 Increase Student Members 3.47 Increase Institutional Members 3.94
5 Increase Faculty/Educator 3.33 Publish Curriculum "Standards" or 3.53
6 Increase Institutional Members 3.30 Increase Professional Practitioner 3.44

7 Publish Curriculum "Standards" or 3.26 Publish the E-zine 3.44

8 Improve the Website 3.26 Improve the Website 3.40
9 Publish the E-zine 3.23 Increase Student Members 2.67
10 Provide Research Stipends for 3.00 Provide Research Stipends for Faculty 2.67

11 Provide Scholarships for Students 2.98 Provide Scholarships for Students 2.53

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Graph 01

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