Thank you MEIEA Members. Our survey had excellent participation.


Hello MEIEA,


Thanks to all that participated in the Strategic Planning Committee survey. We had excellent participation, sixty eight (68%) of the MEIEA Active member population responded, and we received some outstanding comments and suggestions for the future of MEIEA. Following is a brief summary of the survey results.


* The yearly conference, networking opportunities, and the journal were chosen as MEIEA’s top three assets.


* Almost ninety percent of the members indicated they would participate in on-line nominations and voting for officers of the Association.


* Almost seventy percent of the members indicated they would support an increase in membership fees if it would insure that the Association could pursue the initiatives listed in the survey.


* The “Branding” initiative garnered the most “hits” and was ranked number one by order of importance in the critical initiative-action questions. “Publish Curriculum Standards or Recommendations" and “Increase Professional Practitioner Members” were ranked a close second and third respectively. The complete list and the number of hits are listed below.


1 Brand the Name as a Leading Association of Educators (69)

2 Publish Curriculum "Standards" or "Recommendations" (49)

3 Increase Professional Practitioner Members (46)

4 Increase Student Members (36)

5 Provide Research Stipends for Faculty (35)

6 Increase Faculty/Educator Members (33)

7 Increase Institutional Members (31)

8 Improve the Website (28)

9 Provide Scholarships for Students (26)


In response to the survey results, the Board voted to take three immediate actions that are intended to address the members’ responses.


(1) Nominations and the eVote process will start in January for the coming spring elections. So watch out for more information and a new election process that is designed to involve the whole membership.


(2) If you read the latest eZine, you probably noticed that membership fees for the coming year will increase slightly. So get your dues before the end of December and take advantage of the current rate.


(3) The Board formed four “task groups” that were assigned to develop plans for (a) a national branding campaign; (b) investigating curriculum practices across schools; (c) to develop guidelines for providing research stipends to faculty members; and (d) to find ways to increase the value of membership in the Association. The task groups were charged with reporting back in mid-January with plans and recommendations. So watch out for a busy spring with lots of MEIEA activity.


Our members gave MEIEA’s over-all performance an “adequate” rating of 3.16 (5-point scale) for achieving the five goals of MEIEA: (a) providing resources for the exchange of information and knowledge; (b) fostering scholarly research; (c) assisting institutions with development of programs and curricula; (d) facilitating interaction between the music and entertainment industries, educators, and institutions; and (e) promoting student interests. The area that members indicated they felt MEIEA was below average was assisting institutions with development of programs and curricula, which received a 2.73 rating. The membership gave the highest rating to MEIEA’s success at promoting student interests (3.71). Yes, MEISA is now almost 600 strong and growing! It is by far the preeminent student organization for the music and entertainment industry.



Again, thanks to all that participated


Wesley Bulla

Chair, Strategic Planning Committee

MEIEA Board of Directors




Please Note: This is a MEIEA Board of Directors communication and is intended for Active, Professional, and Institutional Faculty members only. If you have received this email message in error, please click on the link below to remove your email address from our database. Thank you.
