Journal of the Music & Entertainment Industry Educators Association | Volume 14, Number 1 (2014) |
Technology has not only
transformed the music sector of the entertainment industry, it has also
transformed the book publishing sector. Just as musicians have opportunities to
go direct to the market with their music, an author has an opportunity to reach
and engage an audience directly like never before. This paper demonstrates,
through an exploratory case study, how authors can use scientifically proven
persuasion techniques to influence visitors to reply to their online requests.
These requests often originate from the author’s social media platform, and
come in the form of asking the visitor to like a social profile, comment on a
blog, provide a review, share a link, join the tribe, or buy a book, among
others. After a brief summary of the publishing sector, the author defines what
a social media platform is using a Social Media Framework refined by social
media expert Michael Hyatt (Hyatt 2010c, March 25). This will be followed by a
review of persuasion research and Cialdini’s six principles of social influence
(2008). Finally, we examine some of the elements of a successful social media
platform and draw conclusions on how these features may influence a response to
one of many requests.
Keywords: social media, persuasion theory, internet marketing, publishing, authors, Michael Hyatt
Rothschild, Philip C. “Authors Influencing Others to
Follow: An Analysis of a Social Media Platform Through the Framework of
Persuasion Theory.” Journal of the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association 14, no. 1 (2014): 251-277.