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THE MEIEA Meets! scheduled for July 24th  has been postponed due to scheduling conflicts.

Stay tuned for information on our August 7th MEIEA Meets!


2024 MEIEA Journal Deadline Extended to July 25!

The deadline for the 2024 issue of the MEIEA Journal has been extended until July 25, 2024. The Journal of the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association publishes articles on all aspects of the music and entertainment industries and pedagogy. We welcome submissions of your research articles, book reviews, video reviews, and software reviews. Full submission guidelines may be found here. Please direct any questions to journal@meiea.org.


Important, timely articles

Useful, relevant book and video reviews

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Get Published in MEIEA's Annual Academic Journal

The MEIEA Journal is a refereed scholarly work published annually by the Music & Entertainment Industry Educators Association and is a resource for anyone interested in scholarly research and writing about the music and entertainment industries. The MEIEA Journal is distributed to members of MEIEA, universities, libraries, and individuals concerned with music and entertainment industry education.

Articles are of business, legal, economic, technical, pedagogic, and historic significance and often reflect current issues that affect the music and entertainment industries and music and entertainment industry education.

The MEIEA Journal is available through all major online services and is indexed in sources including The Music Article Guide and The Music Index.

View our submission guidelines

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